These colors look nice, but wtf is this super wide resolution. It is much wider than the other pieces (most) and is pretty minimalistic. This just confuses me.
These colors look nice, but wtf is this super wide resolution. It is much wider than the other pieces (most) and is pretty minimalistic. This just confuses me.
yeah, iwas trying to make something like a poster resolution and about the colors and minimalist i´ts not something new, i have some drawings like that but with background, but thanks for the feedback :D
have a good day
Looks very a nice. Background is missing but thats ok.
I think characters should be less and less saturated as they are getting further from center, because now my eyes constantly switch place to look.
Other than that it's good.
Frog brain peppinos. Very nice
tysm! :P
Front boot looks kinda flat, but rest is ok.
Why with the mane? I think it was supposed to be some motorist look, but I don't buy it here.
Yeah, I'll try to be more careful with working with values on the shading just so certain parts won't look flat.
Most of my Isaac interpretations came mostly out of mind and what I feel suits the characters well without giving them some sort of context. I gave Fiend this hair style because well... I just thought it looked neat I guess. That might change sometime later in the future.
I don't remember dude on the left being in this game. Who is that?
the light cannon biker, might be a bit difficult to recognize since he's not colored
It looks nice with these angular lines. Shading looks kind of weird with more look to it but besides it's fine.
You did really good job.
Thank you!
This looks good, but could have more.
Shading makes everything look smooth which I guess is good for skin, but not really for clothes. They, with exception to white shirts, look like made out of marble or something like that. I think wrinkles should be more dark.
Not related to drawing itself, but could you try smaller resolution? I'm pretty sure this and other stuff could be done with canvass thrice as small.
Aha! An actual critique, thank you!
Clothing is definitely a weakpoint of mine, so I look forward to impoving with it thanks to feedback such as this! I've just found out about masking recently and yeah I most certainly got carried away, hence the lack of deeper and more refined shading.
About the smaller resolution: I'd like to know what you meant specifically. Is it the resolution of the end product or the high resolution used while drawing that's the problem?
I'm sorry if I dont make much sense here, I never recieved a critique before, so thank you again!
Nice contrast between what could it do.
I'm tempted to put Lorem Ipsum here.
Joined on 3/24/21