Bloody sky, red up to knees and a wasteland. Looks good.
Waters reflection is incosistent, but still pretty good attempt.
Bloody sky, red up to knees and a wasteland. Looks good.
Waters reflection is incosistent, but still pretty good attempt.
Thanks!!!! and yeah, it's my first time working with water stuff lmao
Could you tell me some reason why he looks like this, it's not bad, I'm just interested.
I just thought some casual clothing would fit him.
I didn't realise who it is until I read title. This suit to me looked like legs, arms and torso of some dude with big pants and hoodie.
Jsoull uses very similiar ones on his thumbnails for streams. Hope you did not traced them.
Yes, this inspirate me
angle of deimoss right leg is weird.
Still ok.
sorry for all my energy went into femford's mountain crushing muscles
I understand that you wanted to be minimalistic with colors, but I don't really get the feel of Miami, nor the game, maybe because to get that feel you would need to use more bright colors. Still, that purple, magenta or whatever gives mysterious vibe further on the background and feeling of somewhat relief/calm on Hank.
Pretty good.
Thanks! But yeah,you're right. It's mostly just a colorless sketch. I have one completed Miami Hank art on my profile,although it's kinda old
interesting legs. They more remind me of droids from starwars or goats than bugs, but still interesting to say the least.
I wanted to try something new, plus I had an old model sheet that use those legs anyways so might as well do them.
I genuinely forgot how terryfying human face with cat details can be. Good job.
Hehe. Thank you.
Angle of the mask seems to be off to angle of head. Maybe it is mask that is not flat but round, but I don't know.
the mask is round, but I probably should have put a bit more effort to make the angle I was going for clearer lol
That is pretty good looking piece with that dark and mysterious background. Texture and lighting on box lady is albo nice.
Thank you much! n.n!
I'm tempted to put Lorem Ipsum here.
Joined on 3/24/21