Icarus himself looks like he is made out of wax, but that may be just same color for skin and wax or lack of shading. Either way, looks tragic in theatre way, as it should.
Icarus himself looks like he is made out of wax, but that may be just same color for skin and wax or lack of shading. Either way, looks tragic in theatre way, as it should.
Thanks for the rating! The use of a single color for a character is intentional as vases did not have shading (and also I don't like shading), but it might change. You may notice that the sun in the background has a slightly darker shade so I'll definitely experiment with that moving forward.
One and a half pages is quite a lot for a knee, altough the impact shown in the next panel is quite weird, because it looks like she jumped of backwards of guards back?
Anyway, good showcase of the capabilities for the Queen of Spades.
Panel layouts is something that I struggle with to this day, so old pages from 2017 will only highlight it further.
Still, learn from your mistakes and all that, improve with experience.
Great Tankman along the drivers.
Will wait for the Comic with great hopes.
Hope to not disappoint.
Looks cool, but I'm mad at that gradient.
Yeah! I didn't know how to make it look better
It is alright. My main issue is the readabillity of what is going on in those black panels.
awesome. Thanks for reading^^ you arent the first one to make that comment so i will note it down for chapter 2
who is standing in the background? you mean dumpy deimos?
Anyway, I like all of these iterations of Deimos.
nooo... A little further
Don't look at the crotch!! You will get insane!
My guess is that the lineart makes crow and gun standout more to background, but I'm not sure.
I like the design of rifle. It looks like it is made of wood and buttstock on it is funny.
Thank you very much for the critique! :D
The buttstock was heavily influenced by the bazaars bargain from tf2.
Nah man, you can't beat Wallace that easily. He is the funniest character I have seen in this movie.
Ma man just doesn't care that sun is making him burn.
Very nice.
happens every friday..
I'm tempted to put Lorem Ipsum here.
Joined on 3/24/21