Smooth and background looks as nice as characters.
Smooth and background looks as nice as characters.
Did he squeeze pimple on his chest or something?
This feels like combination of stuff that sockdotclip, nihaho and speedo do. Love it.
That was alright. Song is not for my tastes, but video was interesting.
That was nice. Larry do be cooking, but not very efficiently, he forgot bottom bread roll of the burger, but we can forget him that.
Dayum, that shit is balling. Love the action and all of that.
Thanks, bro
This was somewhat enjoyable.
Kind of sad that audio cuts off after and animation still could be better, but it is still progress from before.
don't wory it was rusht i am making a beter one bro.
Animated well, action is not the worst, but graphics are kinda weird. Sometimes they are cropped, other times very blury.
I'm tempted to put Lorem Ipsum here.
Joined on 3/24/21