View Profile AlfaFranek

41 Game Reviews

6 w/ Responses

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Like others said, impressive work, however I think game design could be better. I'm aware that this game tries to be as old school game with it's graphics, difficulty, feel etc.I respect trying to go for it. but it doesn't mean that players are now also from that era. This game doesn't forgive mistakes and it's very limited to what you can do which will make this game much less replayable, because why bother doing achievments, if im going to do the same thing, but with more pain.

Man, this is mess. There is little to no visual effects, making it unsatisfactory, game is buggy, from simple visual glitches, through game allowing you to attack things that don't exist, to just straight up crashing from Mushroom Squid attack.

HatiValcoran responds:

You made it to the mushroom squid? That makes you one of our most advanced players so far!


Unfortunately our playtesters at the campfire weren't available near release to spot these kinds of bugs, when our discord community grows more over time hopefully this kind of situation will be avoided! I'm slowly going over them and fixing them as they are reported.

I'm currently working on a complete rework of the combat system that should give a very different experience, but I'll make sure to first squish this squid. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ👍


Squid squished. Updated the build. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ︻デ═一 🦑

Well, I will wait for the update.

It's very nice and I liked how the process of this game went, but even tho they tried their hardest to make it understandable for new player, I still got lost in the begining. And you can't win it, but that's ok.

Looks nice. What is guar for if you need to parry?

BingoWaders responds:

to block the damage if you're about to get hit and its too late for a parry to connect

get blammed, pistachio man!

On firefox I can get only to round 6, because game softlocks after trying to play another round.
On chrome it can't even open because Of some "streaming failure"

bluemath responds:

Thanks for your response. I tried to repro the wave 6 behavior on FF. Could you tell me if at the end of wave 6, the yellow arrows appeared or not? If they appeared, was the problem that you couldn't click them? (I'm seeing some problem in that regard because FF fullscreen behavior is messing with the screen-to-world mapping).

Regarding chrome: I wonder if the message you saw was a temporary failure. I haven't heard it reported yet. But I'll keep in mind if it's something I can fix.

Very a nice.

I give up

I'm tempted to put Lorem Ipsum here.

Joined on 3/24/21

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