Excuse me, to what is referencing the titile?
Excuse me, to what is referencing the titile?
I have two tracks called "Project 2008" and "Project 2007" where I try to make something new that has a similar sound to NG tracks that would have released in the late 2000s. I grew up listening to people like Cheshyre, ParagonX9, Dimrain47, and cornandbeans so I imagine these tracks are what I would have made if I knew how to make music at the time.
I don't know what is the direction of this track. There are high and low pitch instruments but they just kind of are there without doing some more cooperation.
Yah I feel u the violin was definitely the base of the track but the other supporting instruments I used tried to give it a 3d sound I also think I fucked up the mix but in the end I was happy wit it
This goes wild and intense for an ambient. Very nice.
I worked on this I likes it
A little happy sadness with a guitar. I like it.
Lonely guitar vibes
I dont know what to feel about this one. It doesnt Mark any instrument and lacks some extra juice, but it is also far from bad
What inspired me was watching Harry macks latest Omegle bars where he collabed with Marcus veltri and Rob Landes and they made some killer piano violin beats to freestyle too I wanted to try a piano violin set up myself I like how it turned out
Very fucking good. It is pleasure to listen that.
Glad to know you love it!
Some mysterious, some heavy. Very nice.
Tyvm! I'm glad u enjoyed
The reason I don't comment/review as much is because I don't like saying the same thing again and things that tops that are: I'm not very constructive with sentence building + I don't know enough about audio/music to point something out. It would be me just repeating myself.
Outside that, I think title doesn't fit this piece because it is to lively
I appreciate ur feedback nonetheless and enjoy that I've made a fan of my work...even if it's not ur cup of tea I would love to see more engagement from you as you have béen a significant voice... Love you and appreciate you!
So fucking good.
What is track remix of?
You failed, I've heard worse.
Please send me it lmao I need to hear it please
I'm tempted to put Lorem Ipsum here.
Joined on 3/24/21